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I am a psychologist and a psychoanalyst and the Vice Presidente of Antena do Campo Freudiano - 


​For the last 20 years I have been receiving patients in therapy in private clinical  practice -


I have degrees in psychology from University of California, Berkeley, USA and University of Copenhagen, Denmark –​​​​​​

I am trained in Transference Focused Psychotherapy - TFP – under Dr. Otto Kernberg at Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York –

I did my psychoanalysis in Paris with Eugenie Lemoine-Luccioni, former Vice President of École de la Cause Freudienne  -​​​

I have taught psychology at the Institute of Psychology of University of Copenhagen and at the Faculty of Medicine in Copenhagen –​


​I have worked under Dr. Anne-Lise Christensen at the Center for Brain Damage in Copenhagen rehabilitating patients with cerebral injuries –​

I was the practicing psychologist at a ward for young schizophrenics at Hillerod Amts Sygehus, Denmark –

I did psychological research testing the entire Danish growth hormone deficient population in a scientific project with Dr. Skakkebaek, Rigshospitalet, Denmark -

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